Zakonodajni izzivi in izzivi pomanjkanja implementacije zelene tehnologije se kažejo predvsem v tveganju stabilnosti in blaginje družbe, obenem pa naj poudarimo, da nastajajo izjemne nove priložnosti za prilagajanje. Le te priložnosti niso vedno vidne in potrebujejo biti opažene... Preberi več
Certificate of business excellence
The certificate of business excellence is a symbol of recognition of the integrated quality, which is achieved only by the best Slovenian companies. It is granted by the Academy of Business Excellence. The certification program aims to address entrepreneurs who are working towards achieving well-balanced and maximum business results. They constantly want to improve, and at the same time strive for the satisfaction of customers as well as of the environment in which they operate.
In order to achieve the expected effects and added value in the evaluated company on the market, we decided to evaluate the achievement of excellence of the organization, and consequently the quality of products and services.
The certificate of business excellency is a symbol of recognition of the integrated quality, which is achieved only by the best Slovenian companies. It is granted by the Academy of Business Excellence. The certification program aims to address entrepreneurs who are working towards achieving well-balanced and maximum business results. They constantly want to improve, and at the same time strive for the satisfaction of customers as well as of the environment in which they operate.
These are the companies that strive for continuous improvement.
- improved marketing image
- proof that the company operates according to the established methods of a permanently successful performance
- improved transparency of operations
- the capabilities and limitations of the company and its subcontractors are known
- the causes of bad and good practices are identified
The obtained certificate of business excellence means that the company:
- adds value, creates a lasting successful future, and maintains successful business results
- listens to its customers and thereby increases their satisfaction
- is lead with vision, inspiration, and integrity
- is further developing its abilities
- achieves success with talent of its employees, encourages creativity and innovation
- monitors its business environment and reacts quickly to changes (recognizing risks and opportunities)
In the process of obtaining the certificate of business excel
lence, we perform an analysis of achieving “quality” in processes, with an emphasis on traceability, control procedures, compliance with regulations and standards, environmental awareness, employee satisfaction, and continuation of the professional training of all employees. We analyze the performance indicators, and achievement of the planned goals. We determine the satisfaction of business
partners. References in financial operations (benefits) are important.
We advise “improvements” that bring “added value” to the assessed company!
Slogan of certified companies is: »Choose quality - add excellence«.
Certificate of excellence is a symbol of recognized integrated quality, which is only reached by the best companies.
Acquiring the certificate means that the company:
- adds value, creates sustainable successful future and maintains successful (business) results;
- listens to its customers and thereby increases their satisfaction
- is lead with vision, inspiration, integrity and is further developing their abilities;
- achieves success with talents of its employees, encourages creativity and innovation;
- monitors its business environment and reacts quickly to changes (recognizing risks and opportunities);
- uses an effective way of leading a quality business operation, which ensures stable quality of the whole business process;
- has an improved marketing image;
- operates in established ways of successful operation
- recognizes and meets legal requirements;
- knows its capabilities and limits, as well as the causes of its good and bad practices;
- with a filled in document »model of excellence« exhibits reaching the required level of quality – the candidate meets the demanded result of 70%.